Tank Wars

The Lost Ruins
The Mountains

Tank Wars is a “Work In Progress”, 4-a-side, multiplayer game. It uses PhotonEngine for the multiplayer connection.

I have plans to have multiple maps and to eventually make a low poly version for mobile, utilising the same code.

Currently, players can join a “staging area” where they can choose sides and load in into specified spawn locations on either side of the map.


There are multiple features throughout each map, such as a bridge and river…

…a large lake which will eventually do damage, depending on how long you’re in the water for…

…tight canyons, with rocky formations, which allow rotation points and even caves!

Screenshots of the current UI system!

This is a clip of the cave system on the right side of the map. Constructed mostly from Probuilder, I used rock prefabs to cover the holes between the terrain hole and the mesh.

The cave allows for rotations during the game, which stops predictability of gameplay.

Starting off on the middle valley, this video progresses to the left cave. It features a destructable bridge and a deep cavern.

Again, most of the cave was built using probuilder and both of the caves make use of my custom shader with inbuilt parallax that can be found here.